We use wax and paraffin applications and bee venom therapy in order to stimulate the body’s defences, and improve local blood circulation, trophic and metabolic processes. Before beginning bee venom therapy, we perform an allergy test to make sure the patient is not allergic to bee products.
Wax and paraffin applications consist in enveloping different muscle groups and joints in warm appropriate wraps, 2.5 – 3 cm thick, according to the scheme outlined by the doctor. These wax and paraffin applications are prepared in a special wax room. The wax and paraffin wrap is cooled to a suitable temperature, and then applied to the patient’s body, which should be clean of oilcloth; it is carefully modeled on the surface of the patient’s body and enveloped in a kind of diaper covering. The procedure lasts twenty minutes. In addition to having a thermal effect, these applications also have an impact on the musculo-articular system by diffusing biologically active substances through the patient’s skin.
The wax and paraffin mixture is produced in our clinics according to a special recipe. It consists of wax, honey, and propolis extract in the following proportions: 1 kg of wax, 20 g of honey, and 5 g of propolis.
Apitherapy is applied along articular gaps occurring between the joints and contractures, in areas with myofascial trigger points, and painful periosteal zones. Using bee stings, we are able to dose bee venom and reduce the negative impact of fear in our patients.