Computer game therapy for children with cerebral palsy and neurological lesions of the nervous system

It is common knowledge that the renewal of motor skills depends on the plasticity of the nervous system, which is stimulated by regular repetition of required movements, intensive training and positive motivation.

In our virtual game programme, we target the following areas::

  1. Game-based Balance Training

    Balance training is provided using an Internet-based gaming movement system. The Nintendo WiiFit balance board, which has four pressure sensors in each support corner, is used to train the patient’s balance. The patient stands or sits on the board, and while performing balance exercises (leaning forward, backward or sideways), simultaneously controls the actions of a character in a specialized computer game. This virtual rehabilitation system is freely available on the Internet at and can be used by the patient to continue rehabilitation at home under the instructor’s remote supervision.

  2. Game-based Hand Training

    A hand training device is used to exercise wrist flexion, extension and rotation movements. Specially designed games stimulate the patient, obliging him/her to increase the speed and range of movements, and develop precision and coordination. Patients with moderate motor developmental delay can perform movement patterns using game consoles Nintendo Wii, WiiFit and XBox equipped with a Kinect motion sensor. A number of games have been designed to develop mobility, motion and reactivity; they are controlled by limb motion or whole body movements.

You may read more about computer game therapy by following this link: